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Business Security

How to Protect Your Motor Trade Business

Posted By Trevor Fox

If you own a motor trade business then there are multiple things you need to think about including motor trade insurance cover. Not only do you need to be able to work on and transport customer vehicles but you also need to keep your premises secure. With this in mind, below are some of the best ways to protect your motor trade business.…

Vehicle Security

Why Couriers Need Goods in Transit Insurance

Posted By Trevor Fox

Whether you run a courier firm or you work as a freelance courier, getting the right goods in transit insurance cover is vital. When you’re transporting packages for customers, you need to protect them against common risks such as theft, loss and damage. Most courier firms will offer a minimum level of compensation as part of the service price but you also need to offer your customers the option of adding further insurance for more expensive items.…

Vehicle Security

Getting Your First Horsebox

Posted By Trevor Fox

If you own a horses or multiple horses and you intend to transport them to shows etc. then you’ll need to get the right form of transportation and horsebox insurance. Many people use horse trailers, which you simply attach to the back of your existing vehicle. However if you want more protection and control then a horsebox is the best option.…

Vehicle Security

Making Your Minibus Secure

Posted By Trevor Fox

If you own a minibus then you need to take any steps you can to make your vehicle more secure and find the right minibus insurance. Thieves and vandals are always on the look out for easy targets so it’s up to you to put them off targeting your vehicle. Making your vehicle secure will help to reduce the chances of your minibus being broken into or stolen. …

Business Security

The Best Ways to Improve Security in a Hotel

Posted By Trevor Fox

Running a hotel is a lot of work. There are so many things you have to stay on top of, from keeping customers happy to ensuring that your staff are doing their job properly. Security is always a big concern for hotel owners. You want to be sure that your hotel is a safe and comfortable environment for guests and for your employees too.…

Business Security

5 Ways to Make Your Shop More Secure

Posted By Trevor Fox

If you run your own shop then you’ll know that security is always a big concern. With this in mind, below are some of the best ways to make your shop more secure.  1. Install CCTV CCTV is a must when you run a shop. You should have CCTV installed inside your shop so you can record any crimes that you might need evidence for later on.…

Vehicle Security

Safety Considerations of Owning a Horse

Posted By Trevor Fox

If you currently own horses or you’re thinking about buying one then you need to be aware of the safety concerns that come with owning such a large and expensive animal. Owning a horse is not like owning a cat or a dog. They require a considerable amount of space and require a constant investment of time and attention all year round; not to mention money.…

Home Security

The 5 Biggest Risks to Your Home

Posted By Trevor Fox

Most people dread the thought of anything happening to their home but at the same time don’t take enough precautions to ensure it is safe. If you want to help improve the safety and security of your home then below are 5 of the biggest risks and what to do about them. 1. Burglary Burglary is not an uncommon crime in the UK, with thousands of homes being broken into every year. 

Vehicle Security

5 Ways to Protect Your Taxi Firm

Posted By Trevor Fox

If you run a taxi firm then you’ll know that there are certain risks that you need to protect against. It isn’t just your vehicles you need to protect but also your drivers and your premises. Below are 5 excellent tips for protecting your taxi firm. 1. Get a good insurance policy There are many excellent sites where you can get taxi insurance quotes that will cover every aspect of your business and getting the right cover for your taxi firm is a must. …

Vehicle Security

Keeping Your Business Vehicles Secure

Posted By Trevor Fox

If you run a business that relies on the use of multiple vehicles then you’ll want to take every step you can in order to make them secure. When you have multiple vehicles then it’s very easy to attract unwanted attention, particularly if the vehicles are expensive or are transporting valuable goods. Below are some of the best ways to keep your business vehicles secure.…

Vehicle Insurance

Factors That Affect The Cost of Car Insurance

Posted By Trevor Fox

Knowing what factors affect the cost of car insurance can help you save a significant amount of money. Below are some of the main ones. Your age Age is always a big factor that insurance providers take into account. Younger people often feel it’s unfair that they have to pay more for car insurance but the reason for this is that people in the 18-24 age bracket are considerably more likely to be involved in accident than older people.…
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Home Security

How to Keep Your Thatched Home Safe

Posted By Trevor Fox

If you’re lucky enough to own a thatched roof property then you’ll want to take any steps you can in order to keep it safe. Thatched properties can be particularly susceptible to the risk of fire so you should certainly take the right precautions in order to ensure your home is as safe as possible. Below are some of the best ways to keep a thatched home safe.…

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